New Respiratory Disease Articles from our Partners at Consultant 360
NAEPP: Updated Asthma Management Guidelines
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee have released new updates to their asthma management guidelines.
Asthma Exacerbations Are Not Properly Treated After Emergency Department Visit
Although guideline-based medical therapy is known to decrease the rate of hospitalizations of patients with asthma, the researchers of a recent study aimed to better understand whether guideline-based medical therapy was being used in emergency departments.
Echocardiographic Pulmonary Arterial Capacitance Predicts PH Mortality
Pulmonary arterial capacitance is a strong predictor of clinical outcomes for patients with pulmonary hypertension. The researchers assessed whether an echocardiographic surrogate for pulmonary arterial capacitance can predict mortality in patients with PH.
Asthma Increases the Risk of Hospitalization for Serious Infections
The researchers of this study examined trends in hospitalizations for serious infections in patients with and without asthma to better understand how asthma is associated with the rate of hospitalization for various serious infections.
Obesity Increases 30-Day ED Visit Rates After Asthma Hospitalization
The researchers retrospectively observed 145 adults who were admitted to a community teaching hospital for asthma exacerbations and analyzed 30-, 60-, and 90-day outcomes.